Oct.15, 2019




●台風19号 非常に強い勢力で上陸か




昨年の台風21号は「非常に強い」勢力で徳島県南部に上陸し、近畿地方を縦断しました。四国や近畿地方で猛烈な風が吹き、猛烈な雨が降ったほか、顕著な高潮となった所もありました。関西空港では 最大瞬間風速58.1メートルを観測し、観測史上1位となりました。また、最高潮位が大阪府大阪市では329センチメートル、兵庫県神戸市では233センチメートルなど、過去の最高潮位を超える値を観測。関西空港の滑走路や駐機場が広い範囲で浸水するなどの被害がでました。総降水量が四国地方や近畿地方、東海地方で300ミリを超えた所もあるなど、大きな影響がでました。






台風19号の進路 関東に最悪 記録的な大雨や暴風も

Japan Weather Association 提供 台風19号の進路 関東に最悪 記録的な大雨や暴風も


●台風19号 関東に「最悪なコース」の理由




記録的な暴風だけでなく 記録的な大雨も



●1200人以上が犠牲「狩野川台風」に 匹敵する恐れも






Powerful Typhoon Hagibis makes landfall over Izu Peninsula after prompting rare weather warning

by Ryusei Takahashi Staff Writer

Record-breaking rainfall, strong winds and severe flooding befell areas from central to northern Japan on Saturday as one of the strongest typhoons to hit the country in years made landfall over Shizuoka Prefecture’s Izu Peninsula.

The massive Typhoon Hagibis was lashing wide areas of the nation, prompting evacuation advisories for hundreds of thousands of people.


Officials in Tokyo and surrounding areas, including Tokyo’s Edogawa Ward, the city of Kawasaki and many other municipalities in Kanagawa Prefecture, warned of flood risks as rivers rose and advised evacuation.

Heavy rains caused by Typhoon Hagibis flood a residential area in Ise, Mie Prefecture. | KYODO
Heavy rains caused by Typhoon Hagibis flood a residential area in Ise, Mie Prefecture. | KYODO


A level 5 special warning for heavy rain, the highest issued by the Meteorological Agency, was issued at 3:30 p.m. on Saturday urging residents in Tokyo, Shizuoka, Kanagawa, Saitama, Gunma, Yamanashi and Nagano prefectures to evacuate to a secure building or move to the second floor.

The Kanagawa Prefectural Government announced that it may have to release water from Shiroyama Dam in Sagamihara later in the day as an emergency measure to lower the water level.

That move would push up the water levels in the Sagami River and some rivers connected to it, significantly increasing flood risks in some areas in Sagamihara, Hiratsuka, Chigasaki, Atsugi, Ebina, Zama, Samukawa and Aikawa in the prefecture, officials said.

This house and car are believed to have been wrecked by a tornado in Ichihara, Chiba Prefecture, on Saturday morning. | KYODO
This house and car are believed to have been wrecked by a tornado in Ichihara, Chiba Prefecture, on Saturday morning. | KYODO


Amid concerns about landslides, flooding and record-breaking rainfall, more than 188,000 residents in Hachioji — a city in the western part of the greater Tokyo metropolitan area — and 432,000 in Edogawa Ward were issued an evacuation advisory, which is the last warning issued before a noncompulsory evacuation instruction is given.

In the city of Ichihara in Chiba Prefecture — which was still recovering after it took the brunt of Typhoon Faxai last month — a man was killed at around 9:30 a.m. on Saturday when his vehicle flipped over, while four others—including two children — were injured by a tornado in a nearby area. Some 9,200 households in and around Chiba Prefecture lost power at 9:30 a.m. Saturday morning along with about 200 households across Tokyo, and Ibaraki and Shizuoka prefectures.

Surging waves hit against the breakwater behind fishing boats as Typhoon Hagibis approaches at the port in the town of Kiho, Mie Prefecture on Saturday. | AP
Surging waves hit against the breakwater behind fishing boats as Typhoon Hagibis approaches at the port in the town of Kiho, Mie Prefecture on Saturday. | AP


Hagibis, which on Saturday evening was considered equivalent to a Category 4 hurricane on the five step Saffir-Simpson scale used in the United States, drew comparisons to a deadly 1958 typhoon in Shizuoka Prefecture and the Kanto region that triggered a series of landslides and flooded the Kano River, leaving 888 people dead 381 missing.

Hagibis was predicted to attain average windspeeds of 162 kilometers per hour and drop 500 millimeters of rainfall in the Kanto-Koshin region. Hagibis was passing over several areas still trying to recover from Faxai, which wreaked havoc just over a month ago, killing at least three people and injuring around 40.

Most forms of public transportation, including trains and planes, were suspended or canceled on Saturday. East Japan Railway Co. (JR East) announced on Friday that several trains would be suspended on Saturday. The Shonan-Shinjuku Line was halted for the entire day while other major routes including the Chuo, Yamanote, Saikyo and Keihin Tohoku lines were suspended at around noon.

A woman puts masking tape on windows in preparation for the typhoon in Kyonan, Chiba Prefecture, on Friday. | KYODO
A woman puts masking tape on windows in preparation for the typhoon in Kyonan, Chiba Prefecture, on Friday. | KYODO


Central Japan Railway Co. (JR Central) canceled all shinkansen services between Tokyo and Nagoya on Saturday while West Japan Railway Co. (JR West) suspended various lines between Shin-Osaka and Okayama stations from the afternoon onward.

Two rugby matches set to be played at Nissan Stadium in Yokohama and Toyota Stadium in Aichi Prefecture were canceled on Saturday for the first time in Rugby World Cup history. The storm also forced the first-ever all-day closure of Tokyo’s Disneyland and DisneySea theme parks, disrupted the Suzuka Grand Prix and grounded more than 1,600 flights.


© KYODONEWS 台風19号で増水し、千曲川(右側)の堤防が決壊した現場。住宅地に濁流が流れ込んだ=13日午後、長野市穂保(小型無人機から)

 台風19号、10県の26人死亡 21人不明、10河川で堤防決壊



毎日新聞 水につかった北陸新幹線の車両=長野市赤沼で2019年10月13日午前8時6分、本社ヘリから

















ラグビーW杯 日本VS


毎日新聞 【日本-スコットランド】後半、この日2本目のトライを決める福岡=横浜・日産スタジアムで2019年10月13日、藤井達也撮影

 日本悲願の8強、アジア初 スコットランド破りA組1位





A screen shot taken Tuesday from the Meteorological Agency website shows that Typhoon Hagibis, this year's 19th, could hit a wide swath of Japan during the upcoming three-day weekend. | METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY


Extremely large typhoon draws bead on Japan, could hit main islands this weekend

Kyodo, Staff Report           

On Tuesday, the agency urged caution and called for early preparations in anticipation of the season’s 19th typhoon hitting the country’s main islands.

As of Tuesday morning, Hagibis was moving over the Mariana Islands on a west-northwesterly track, the agency said.

The typhoon was expected to turn north and approach areas around the Daito Islands in Okinawa Prefecture around Friday.

Hagibis may head on to Kyushu, Shikoku and Honshu, lashing those areas from Saturday to Sunday, the agency said.

The storm was forecast to cause high waves in Okinawa as well as the Ogasawara Islands south of Tokyo around the middle of the week, and on the Pacific coast of Honshu around Friday.

There is also a risk of storms and heavy rains starting around Saturday in a wide range of areas from western to northern parts of the country.

Last month, two typhoons wreaked havoc in Japan, with Faxai hitting Tokyo and causing a massive power outage in Chiba Prefecture, while Tapah brought heavy rains and caused tornados in Kyushu.


Typhoon Hagibis highlights need for multilingual emergency alerts in Japan


When Hagibis made landfall on Oct. 12, Nhu Hoang, a 27-year-old Vietnamese visiting Sendai, panicked as she could not understand a Japanese phrase meaning “evacuation advisory” in an emergency email issued by the local government.

“English would be very useful” at times like this, said Hoang, who lives in Tokyo.

The typhoon left more than 80 people dead and the torrential rain it brought caused numerous embankments to collapse, flooding tens of thousands of homes and large areas of farmland.

Some foreign nationals contacted the Sendai Disaster Multilingual Support Center, run by a local tourism association, as it offers information in English, Chinese, Korean and simplified Japanese during natural disasters.

But the center said it could not fully respond to the rapidly changing situation.

“We want the government to create a system for delivering (such information) swiftly,” said an official at the support center.

Many other municipalities do not have such multilingual disaster centers, meaning some non-Japanese living in those areas likely did not even know where to get information.

“There are municipalities that are unaware that foreign nationals, in times of disaster, are people in need,” said Kaori Fujinami of the Council of Local Authorities for International Relations, urging local governments to “make preparations at normal times.”

Some municipalities hit by major disasters in the past have since offered multilingual services and say translating emergency emails in advance will enable even small districts to be prepared.

Hyogo Prefecture, which was devastated by the Great Hanshin Earthquake in 1995, provides information on evacuation and weather in 12 languages to those who register for its email service, and started offering such information through a smartphone app from May.

An external organization in Kumamoto, which was hit by two major earthquakes in 2016, started offering multilingual disaster emails in June, while Okayama launched a similar service in September, after it was swamped by torrential rain last year.