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 今年話題になった言葉に贈られる「現代用語の基礎知識選 2019ユーキャン新語・流行語大賞」が2日発表され、年間大賞にラグビー・ワールドカップ(W杯)日本代表のスローガン「ONE TEAM(ワンチーム)」が選ばれた。




流行語大賞は「ONE TEAM」トップ10に「計画運休」「しぶこ」

  毎日新聞 ラグビーW杯日本大会準々決勝後、健闘をたたえ合う日本と南アフリカの選手たち=東京・味の素スタジアムで2019年10月20日、長谷川直亮撮影


 今年話題になった言葉に贈られる「現代用語の基礎知識選 2019ユーキャン新語・流行語大賞」が2日に発表され、ラグビー・ワールドカップ(W杯)日本大会での日本代表チームのスローガン「ONE TEAM(ワンチーム)」が年間大賞に輝いた。このほか、台風接近を受けて鉄道各社が実施した「計画運休」▽消費税増税で導入された「軽減税率」▽ゴルフの全英女子オープンで優勝した渋野日向子選手の愛称「スマイリングシンデレラ/しぶこ」▽タピオカ入りドリンクを飲むことを意味する「タピる」▽新天皇即位に伴う新元号「令和」--などがトップ10に入り、イチロー氏が引退記者会見で口にした「後悔などあろうはずがありません」が選考委員特別賞に選ばれた。【加藤隆寛】


Japan's players pose after defeating Scotland in a Rugby World Cup Pool A match in Yokohama on Oct. 13. | KYODO


Japanese rugby's 'One Team' motto declared buzzword of the year

by Masumi Koizumi  Staff Writer      

“One Team,” Japan’s slogan for the 2019 Rugby World Cup, was picked as buzzword of the year on Monday after the Brave Blossoms thrilled fans with their historic advance to the top eight.

The annual awards are announced in early December, when the top buzzword is selected from words or phrases in the media that reflected the year’s trends in politics, business, culture, sports and other fields.

The event also recognizes individuals and organizations representative of the winning word or phrase.

As a representative, Shigetaka Mori, president of the Japan Rugby Football Union, took the stage to collect the honor during a ceremony for the 2019 U-Can Shingo Ryukogo Taisho (U-Can New Words and Buzzwords Awards).

“Although we used ‘Once in a Lifetime,’ as a catchphrase for the Rugby World Cup, we want to hold the games again, having experienced the frenzy created by them,” he said.

During the tournament from Sept. 20 to Nov. 2, the Japanese team made history by making it to the quarterfinals, where they lost 3-26 to South Africa, this year’s champion.

What held the 31-member multinational team together was the “One Team” motto set forth under head coach Jamie Joseph.

At the ceremony, University of Tokyo Professor Emeritus Kang Sang-jung, one of the seven members of the buzzword selection committee, said the unity shown by the team’s diverse collection of players surely resonated with the public.

The term “One Team” has since caught on in areas outside the realm of sports, including in business.

During a Nov. 18 news conference on the merger between Yahoo Japan and Line Corp., for example, Kentaro Kawabe, president and CEO of Z Holdings, Yahoo Japan’s parent, said “We are aiming to build a powerful ‘One Team.'”

The nine other candidates chosen from the shortlist of 30 include “Reiwa,” the name of the new imperial era under Emperor Naruhito, “keigen zeiritsu” (reduced tax rate), a temporary government measure to soften the impact of the consumption tax hike to 10 percent, and “keikaku unkyū” (planned train cancellation), an unusual step taken by some of the nation’s railway operators to ensure passenger safety ahead of Typhoon Faxai in September and Typhoon Hagibis in October.


紀平梨花 連覇へピンチ 14・74点差6位発進「調整ミス」も「巻き返したい」

デイリースポーツ SPではジャンプの着氷に失敗した紀平梨花(撮影・堀内翔)






